Long-Term Care

Moving from your family home to a long-term care setting can be a challenging transition for anyone. Knowing this, we are committed to making the process as easy as possible by helping you and your family understand the available options and make the right decisions. 

Is long-term care the right choice for me or my loved one? 

Wherever possible, we start by getting people the care and support they need to stay in their homes. People whose health care needs can be managed at home, or who need help with specific day-to-day tasks, like bathing, dressing or cooking, may be able to receive support at home through our home care services.  

When it becomes necessary to consider alternative living arrangements, we help you and your family understand your options, including: 

If you feel staying at home is no longer possible and the above options do not provide the appropriate supports, it may be time to consider a long-term care home for ongoing health care in a residential setting. 

What is a long-term care home? 

Long-term care homes are residential homes that provide ongoing care to patients whose care needs cannot be met in the community. People may require this level of support due to advancing age, disability or declining health. 

What services are provided in long-term care homes? 

  • Nursing and personal care 
  • Specialized services such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy 
  • Assistance with activities of daily living 
  • Treatment and medication administration 
  • Meals 
  • Laundry services 
  • Social/recreational programs  

What do I do next? 

Long-term care patients are often referred by concerned family members who are mindful of a person’s ongoing health and safety. Whether you are contacting us on behalf of yourself or a family member, your care coordinator will help you apply for admission to any long-term care home in Ontario. 

There are several options available to people who need supportive services. If you decide you would like to inquire further about long-term care, contact your local office. Once you are assigned a care coordinator, you can discuss these options together and see which ones are right for you or your family member.

Make a referral » 

Am I eligible for long-term care? 

Long-term care homes are licensed and regulated by the Ministry of Long-Term Care. The province has specific laws and regulations for admission to long-term care homes that are designed to ensure fairness and equity in the system, so that it can serve both the needs of people with high care needs and people who are independent. Throughout Ontario, there are some beds available specifically for veterans, reuniting spouses who both require long-term care, and for those with religious, cultural or language preferences. 

Read more about eligibility and admissions » 

How will I know which long-term care home is best for me? 

The decision to relocate to a new living environment is a very important one and also very personal. We want to help you and your family make the best decision possible. We have compiled a list of questions you may wish to consider. 

Transitioning from Hospital to Long-Term Care In Ontario, you


Request for Information for Long-Term Care Placement

Have questions? Complete this form to connect with our knowledgeable staff to learn more about long-term care, the available options and how to get started.

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